Laravel vs Symfony

November 22, 2021

Laravel vs Symfony

When it comes to web development, choosing between different frameworks can be daunting. Two of the most popular PHP frameworks in the market are Laravel and Symfony. Both are great frameworks, but which one is better? Let's dive deep into a comparison between Laravel vs Symfony to see which one comes out on top.


Laravel is known for its rapid development, elegant syntax, and a supportive community. According to statistics provided by Packagist, Laravel has been downloaded over 160 million times, with over 67k packages uploaded for it. Symfony is another great PHP framework with a large community and well-documented APIs. Symfony has been downloaded nearly 1.3 billion times with 24k packages uploaded for it. Although Laravel is widely popular, it's nothing compared to Symfony's vast reach.

WINNER: Symfony


Performance is an important factor to consider when it comes to web development. Laravel uses Blade as its template engine, which is fast and performs well. Although Symfony has its own template engine as well, Twig, it's slower than Blade. Laravel loads configurations and routing faster than Symfony, which gives it an edge over Symfony in terms of performance.

WINNER: Laravel

Learning Curve

Laravel is known for its easy-to-learn syntax and a straightforward documentation system, making it beginner-friendly. Besides, Laravel comes with a simple file structure, making it easy for developers to manage their code. On the other hand, Symfony has a steep learning curve, quite daunting for beginners, and a more complicated file structure.

WINNER: Laravel

Code Reusability

Code reusability is an essential aspect when it comes to saving time and reducing errors. Symfony offers bundle systems that let developers reuse code, but it also brings overhead processes in the app development. Laravel has a modular structure that organizes code in manageable directories, making it easy to maintain and scale.

WINNER: Laravel

Community Support

Both Laravel and Symfony have a large community of developers, but Laravel's community is more extensive, well-organized, and engaging. Laravel also has an official documentation system, which is comprehensive and easy to follow.

WINNER: Laravel


In conclusion, Laravel and Symfony are both great PHP frameworks, but the choice between the two depends on the project requirements, specific skills of the developer, and future scaling potential. Laravel is the ideal choice for beginners, small projects, and speedy development, while Symfony is perfect for complex projects, a more extensive team, and robust customizations. Overall, both frameworks merit attention, and making the right pick depends on project requirements and other factors.


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